by Scott Ashley
God is not uninvolved or uncaring. He cares deeply about His creation, about His children of all nations and races.
by Melvin Rhodes
At the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the country of Germany did not even exist. But a century later it had risen to seriously challenge the greatest European empires and forever change the history of the world.
by Randy Stiver
Millennial thinking—the longing for a golden age of history—has captivated the imaginations of religions and political movements alike. People want hope, peace and glory! Beginning with the return of Jesus Christ and the true Millennium,...
by Robin Webber
Many people around the world are acquainted with the numerical figure of 6,000,000. If someone were to pose the hypothetical question of "what comes to mind when I say six million?" many would simply state that this was the devastating...
by Melvin Rhodes
Almost everybody is aware of the Third Reich, which was meant to last a thousand years, but few today know much about the First Reich, which actually did. Although its origins go back to Charlemagne, the 10th century German Emperor Otto I...
by Melvin Rhodes
Exactly two centuries after the fall of the Holy Roman Empire—the First Reich of the German Nation—the European Union seems set to revive this ancient institution. by Melvin Rhodes
by Paul Suckling
"Don’t fight for a dying regime!" This was the advice of President Bush to the Iraqi people and soldiers just before the Iraq war began. Baghdad seems to have finally been freed from Saddam Hussein’s grip. His regime and brutal rule appear...
The Gospel of the Kingdom
by United Church of God
Eternal life in the Kingdom of God was made possible by Jesus Christ's sacrifice.
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
Where will the "mansions" mentioned in John 14:2-3 be located?